Important Information for English J1 (Abitur
Central Topic:
· The Ambiguity of Belonging
Tom Franklin: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter (2010)
Gran Torino (Regie Clint Eastwood, 2008)
We're going to work with a broad variety of genres: short stories, films, poetry, drama,... you name it.
· folder (because of worksheets), DinA 4
· grid paper or ruled paper (your choice) with margin
· no folder for class tests needed
· how you learn your words is up to you (vocab folder, cards,....)
written : oral mark 60:40
written mark:
two exams per half-year (except for J2/2)
(voc tests every second week à one exam (per half-year)) or not. Your choice.
oral mark:
oral mark in class
qualitative performance
quantitative performance
working attitude and performance (individual work, pair work, group work, presentations...)
You are going to get exercises every second week.
Some exercises are obligatory, most are voluntarily. Most of the grammar revision and exercises will be done through those two-week-exercises, so take them seriously. (But of course we will revise grammar in class, if need arises).
Office Hours:
By appointment.